This week I’m on vacation. I take off the week leading up to Labor Day every year, and we get out of the city and spend time out at the beach. Usually I feel like I’m in desperate need of a break, but for some reason this year leading up to it I had lots [...]
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As a coach I spend a lot of time teaching my clients about how their thoughts create their feelings, which lead to certain actions and results in their lives. As a human who likes to understand herself, I spend a lot of time noticing the effects of this phenomenon in my own life. As a [...]
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Jumping to conclusions is something most of us do every day without even realizing it or thinking about it. More often than not, doing so, leaves us feeling unhappy. Those conclusions we often make, are just thoughts—and like always, our feelings come from our thoughts. When we add meaning to certain circumstances, we are often [...]
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I recently heard someone say, “The only constant in life is change,” and as usual, this got me thinking. What a great little tidbit to remember when we find ourselves surprised by all of life’s twists and turns. It’s thoughts like this that bring me comfort. If we expect regular change, then the events that [...]
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Saying goodbye is never easy. Well maybe for some it is, but for me—not so much. While saying goodbye, whether it be to a person, a home, a job, or whatever, often means something new and exciting is coming, it can often lead to unexpected emotions. A friend recently moved into a new home that [...]
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The concept of self-care comes up a lot these days. We are encouraged to do things for ourselves—things that feel good. I often suggest to clients and loved ones to incorporate more activities that bring them joy in their lives. When we’re feeling down for whatever reason, self-care can be extremely helpful in bringing us [...]
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People often talk about going with our gut instincts. We ask, “What does your gut say?” when it’s time to make a decision. Tuning into our intuition is a concept many of us throw around, but it can also be a struggle for a lot of folks. For most of us, we’ve been taught to [...]
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Most people spend a whole lot of time thinking about what they want in life. Focusing on what we want, can often feel depleting though—because we end up thinking about what we don’t have. People ultimately want things because of the way they think they will feel when they get them. You may want to [...]
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To say life can be interesting, is an understatement. Weird, wild, confusing, exciting, calm, chaotic, beautiful, fun, tricky, unpredictable—are just a few other adjectives we could use to describe it. Sometimes we get what we want. Sometimes we get what we need. Sometimes those two things are the same, and sometimes they are different. At [...]
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Do you ever just not feel like yourself? It could last a day, a week, or an extended period of time. It’s been quite some time since I’ve felt this way, but I am there right now. It started a couple of months ago, but intensified over the past few weeks. It’s an interesting place [...]
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