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Could the Opposite Be True?

in Life Coaching

Could the opposite be true? It’s a simple little question with a whole lot of power.

I’ve been asking myself this question for a long time, so I sometimes forget how life altering it can be for folks. I recently started noticing the profound effect it has—I’m talkin’ major “aha” moments—so I thought I’d fill you in.

OK, let me explain. Ya know that pesky voice we all have in our heads that likes to tell us things like I’m not good enough, I’m not pretty enough, I’ll never succeed, so why bother—or What if they find out I’m a fraud? Yeah, just about all of our minds like to go there. We also like to jump to conclusions about what other people think of us and what they mean by what they say. We like to worry about things that haven’t yet happened by trying to predict the future—and we often spend time rehashing the past and wondering what would’ve happened had we made different decisions.

You may not even realize it’s going on because you’ve been listening to those thoughts your whole life, but a crappy mood is usually a sure sign you’re doing it. Once you realize you’re making yourself crazy by buying into this type of mind chatter, stop and think about what you’re thinking about. Once you become aware of the thought (I suck, I’m Ugly, What if such-in-such happens, or What if it doesn’t), I invite you to ask yourself Could the opposite be true?

If you’re worried you may lose your job, is it possible you won’t? If you think you’re not good enough, is it possible you’re awesome? If you fear someone you love is going to reject you, is it possible they will love you? If you worry you may fail, is it possible you’ll succeed? You can obviously get more specific with whatever is going on in your life and whatever is going on in your mind—but you get the gist.

So often our fears, don’t even end up happening or aren’t true, but we spend a whole lot of time thinking about these things. By simply asking if the opposite could be true, we give ourselves the opportunity to not only feel better, but to also realize life is always full of possibilities—and maybe just maybe, the doom and gloom ones aren’t guaranteed.

Could the opposite be true? Try it on for size—I think you’re gonna like it.

That’s it—that’s all I got for ya!

Happy day!

P.S.-Sharing is caring, so don’t forget to share, share, share! Oh, and feel free to leave me a comment—I love hearing from you!

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  • Dana Klag May 6, 2016, 8:31 am

    I have to say I have never, ever thought to question myself. You are amazing and I am very thankful that I get your emails. You are so uplifting!!! I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day!!!

    • Melanie Rudnick May 6, 2016, 8:37 am

      Thanks Dana!! Questioning ourselves is one of the greatest gifts we can give! Have a happy Mother’s Day too! Xo

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