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in Life Coaching

The concept of self-care comes up a lot these days. We are encouraged to do things for ourselves—things that feel good.

I often suggest to clients and loved ones to incorporate more activities that bring them joy in their lives. When we’re feeling down for whatever reason, self-care can be extremely helpful in bringing us out of a funk. It’s also key in maintaining consistent happiness.

Self-care for one person may look completely different from another’s. While I like things like jogging, yoga, a massage, trapeze, time spent with my family and friends, a bath, a bike ride, time at the beach, reading a good book, and watching trashy tv, you may like playing tennis, shopping, cooking, looking at social media, going to the movies, and reading magazines.

Self-care goes beyond fun activities though. It includes speaking our truth, making decisions that are in our highest good, treating ourselves with kindness, letting ourselves feel our feelings, and making changes when things feel off.

I started thinking about self-care because the past few weeks have been a bit busy for me, with some big changes taking place in my life. While writing is often a form of self-care for me, lately I’ve found myself feeling pressure to just “check it off my to-do list.” Because I always strive to deliver messages that not only resonate with folks, but also inspire, I don’t ever want to write just for the sake of writing.

So, as a form of self-care, I am giving myself permission to cut back to sending out messages bi-weekly—for now. This is not to say, I won’t go back to my weekly schedule anytime soon, but it’s my way of doing something that feels better to me.

When we make choices to do things (or not do things) in order to feel better, it gives us the wiggle room to get ourselves back on track. When we accept where we are at without beating ourselves up for making certain choices, it moves us to better feeling states.

How do you take care of yourself? What can you do to help make today a better day? Can you try and make you a priority? Think about what feels good, and go do it!

That’s it—that’s all I got for ya!

Happy day!

P.S.-See ya in two weeks…

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